edX AWS Analytics Deployment

This document describes how to deploy the edX Analytics stack to the Amazon Web Services. We will be using Ansible to automate deployment where ansible playbooks are available, but some manual setup is still required.

To deploy LMS/CMS, see openEdx AWS deployment and upgrades.


This document assumes a working edxapp setup exists, with an edxapp MySQL database, ENABLE_OAUTH2_PROVIDER set to true, and tracking logs rotated into an S3 bucket, named something like client-name-tracking-logs.

We run the analytics ansible playbooks from a separate EC2 director instance, with the edx/configuration repository and its dependencies installed.

General Security Considerations

  • Each set of instances (analytics, director, etc.) should have its own ssh keypair.
  • Default Jenkins setup is unprotected and allows anyone to do anything, so never allow external access to Jenkins (even briefly). Close the 8080 port on instance with Jenkins to external world before running ansible script that installs Jenkins. Use SSH tunneling to connect to it from your machine.

Sensitive Data

We will add our sensitive data, such as database passwords and key files, to a secure repo created for each client deployment. The files and their expected contents are discussed in subsequent sections.

  • analytics.pem - AWS certificate for the analytics instance
  • vars-analytics.yml - ansible variables used to set up the analytics cluster. These variables can be stored in a separate file, or appended to the base vars.yml file used for the full edxapp setup.
  • analytics-tasks/: Analytics-related configuration files
  • jenkins_env: environment variables used when running analytics tasks via Jenkins
  • emr-vars.yml: extra variables used to provision the EMR cluster
  • analytics-override.cfg: configuration for the analytics pipeline
  • edxapp_creds - contains readonly credentials to be used to access edxapp DBs (edxapp, ecommerce, etc.).
  • edxanalytics_creds - contains read-write credentials to be used to access analytics DBs (analytics-api, reports, etc.).

AWS Resources

We will create the following AWS resources in this setup:

  • One EC2 instance for hosting Insights (analytics dashboard), the Analytics API, and Jenkins (analytics scheduler). Alternatively, you may create a separate EC2 for each service, but ensure that they all share a security group.
  • Two to five S3 buckets.
  • One RDS instance for Insights and Analytics API MySQL databases.
  • One ElasticSearch instance.
  • EMR clusters are provisioned on a per-task basis.
  • Access between resources is controlled by IAM.


The following Identity Access Management (IAM) users, roles, and policies are used by the analytics services.

Provision EMR Clusters

The Jenkins instance will need to launch and terminate EMR clusters.

We will create an IAM role for the analytics EC2 instance, to give it permission to provision EMR clusters.

  • Go to IAM -> Policies -> Create Policy
  • Select "Create Your Own Policy"
  • Give it a recognizable name (eg. provision_emr_clusters)
  • Paste this into "Policy Body" and click "Create":
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": "*",
          "Action": [
  • Now go to IAM -> Roles -> Create New Role
  • Give it a recognizable name (eg. edxanalytics)
  • Select Amazon EC2 role type on next step
  • Select the policy you created above (eg. provision_emr_clusters)
  • Hit "Create Role" on final step

ElasticSearch User and Role

The analytics API needs to be able to read indexes from the AWS ElasticSearch instance.

  • Go to IAM -> Users -> Add User
  • Give it a recognizable name (eg. analytics_elasticsearch)
  • Give it Programmatic access
  • Don't worry about attaching any policies; access will be granted when the ElasticSearch instance is created.
  • Copy the security credentials to the vars-analytics.yml fields:
  • ANALYTICS_API_ELASTICSEARCH_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY the Secret Access Key goes here, e.g. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567899/_+.
  • Note the user's ARN code for use when the ElasticSearch service is created.

The EMR EC2 Instances need to be able to write to the ElasticSearch index

  • Go to IAM -> Policies -> Create Policy
  • Select "Create Your Own Policy"
  • Give it a recognizable name (eg. elasticsearch_all)
  • Paste this into "Policy Body" and click "Create":
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Action": [

VPC DNS hostname

Ensure DNS hostnames are enabled in the VPC where your EMR jobs will be running. If DNS hostnames are disabled, EMR provisioning will be stuck at provisioning. To check whether DNS hostnames are enabled:

  • Go to the AWS VPC dashboard, and select your VPC.
  • Check the value of "DNS hostnames" in the Summary tab/pane. If it says no, click Actions -> Edit DNS Hostnames, select Yes, and save.

If you are creating your EMR cluster within a VPC then additionally, you'll need to add an Internet Gateway to your VPC:

  • Create an Internet Gateway and attached it to your VPC.
  • Add the Internet Gateway to the Route Table.

Here's a good doc explaining this.

Analytics Security Group

  • Go to the EC2 dashboard in AWS console.
  • Click on 'Network & Security: Security Groups' and click 'Create Security Group'.
  • analytics with the following Inbound rules:
    • SSH, port 22, source director security group
    • HTTP, port 80, source Anywhere (used to access the Insights over http)
    • HTTPS, port 443, source Anywhere (used to access the Insights over https)

EMR Roles

The simplest way to generate the EMR IAM roles is to let AWS do it automatically:

  • Go to the EMR dashboard in AWS console.
  • Click "Create Cluster"
  • Make sure "Permissions" are set to Default
  • Note that we only need IAM roles created automatically, so set Instance Type to the smallest instance available, and create only 1.
  • Use the analytics security group.
  • Click "Create cluster"
  • Wait for these default roles and security groups to be automatically generated:
  • EMR_DefaultRole: default EMR role
  • EMR_EC2_DefaultRole: role used by our standard emr-vars.yml configuration file.
  • ElasticMapReduce-master: security group for the EMR master instances.
  • ElasticMapReduce-slave: security group for the EMR slave instances.
  • You can now click "Terminate" to kill the cluster.

To allow the EMR resources to write to the ElasticSearch index:

  • Go to IAM -> Roles and locate the EMR_EC2_DefaultRole.
  • Attach the ElasticSearch policy created above (elasticsearch_all).

EMR Security Groups

To allow SSH access from the analytics instance to the EMR, we need to edit the EMR master security group.

  • Go to the EC2 dashboard in AWS console.
  • Click on 'Network & Security: Security Groups'
  • Select the ElasticMapReduce-master security group and Edit the Inbound rules.
  • Add Inbound SSH access from the analytics security group:
  • SSH, port 22, source analytics Security Group

The analytics pipeline needs to be able to access the analytics and edxapp databases.

To do so, create an EMR RDS security group with the following rules:

  • MYSQL/Aurora, port 3306, source ElasticMapReduce-master Security Group
  • MYSQL/Aurora, port 3306, source ElasticMapReduce-slave Security Group.

grades-download Permissions

Some Jenkins jobs (e.g. StudentEngagementCsvFileTask) require downloads to be placed in the grades-download directory of the edxapp S3 bucket. In order for the resulting files to be downloadable from the instructor dashboard, permissions on the bucket must be set as follows:

  • Go to S3 and select the bucket configured by EDXAPP_GRADE_BUCKET.
  • Select Permissions and then select Edit bucket policy
  • Paste the following into the Bucket Policy Editor:
  • Replace my-edxapp-bucket with the name of the bucket
  • Replace arn:aws:edxapp-user with the ARN for your edxapp AWS user (access granted via EDXAPP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and EDXAPP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET).
  "Version": "2008-10-17",
  "Id": "...",
  "Statement": [
          "Sid": "some-unique-identifier",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
              "AWS": "arn:aws:edxapp-user",
          "Action": "s3:GetObject",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-edxapp-bucket/grades-download/*"

Analytics API Reports

Do this step only if your client requires the Problem Response Reports.

The pipeline task ProblemResponseReportWorkflow generates reports and stores them to S3. The analytics API sends links to these report files to Insights. So we need to create an IAM user with read access to the analytics-api report bucket.

  • Go to IAM -> Users -> Create New User
  • Give it a recognizable name (eg. analytics_reports)
  • Create security credentials, and copy them to vars-analytics.yml fields under ANALYTICS_API_REPORT_DOWNLOAD_BACKEND:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the Access Key ID goes here, e.g. AKIA0123456789ALPHAB

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY the Secret Access Key goes here, e.g. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567899/_+.
  • AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: the S3 bucket created for the analytics-api reports goes here, e.g. client-name-analytics-api-reports
  • Under Permissions, create an Inline Policy -> Custom Policy
  • Give it a recognizable name (eg. s3-read-analytics-reports)
  • Paste this into "Policy Body", with the correct bucket name replaced where client-name-analytics-api-reports is used below.

Note: the Resource "arn:aws:s3:::client-name-analytics-api-reports" refers to the top-level bucket access, and "arn:aws:s3:::client-name-analytics-api-reports/*" refers to all the files stored inside the bucket. Both resource statements are required.

json { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::client-name-analytics-api-reports", "arn:aws:s3:::client-name-analytics-api-reports/*" ] } ] } - Click "Create"

  • Select Save

VPC Subnet

  • Go to the AWS VPC dashboard, and select Subnets
  • Ensure that one of the subnet IDs listed in the Subnets list is in the vpc_subnet_id variable in emr-vars.yml.


The Analytics Pipeline's Learner tasks write their statistics to an ElasticSearch index, which is read by the Analytics API's Learner API to display in Insights.

  • Go to Analytics -> Elasticsearch Service -> Create a new domain
  • Make sure the ES instance is being created under the correct AWS region. It should match your EC2 region, and ANALYTICS_API_ELASTICSEARCH_CONNECTION_DEFAULT_REGION.
  • Choose a unique domain name, e.g. client-name-analytics-es
  • Select Elasticsearch version 1.5
  • Node configuration:
  • Instance count: 1
  • Instance type: t2.small.elasticsearch
  • Enable dedicated master: no
  • Enable zone awareness: no
  • Storage type: EBS
  • EBS volume type: General Purpose (SSD)
  • EBS volume size: 10GB
  • Automated snapshot start hour: 00:00 UTC (default)
  • Advanced options: rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index: true
  • Grant full access to the analytics_elasticsearch user created above.

In around 10 minutes, the new ElasticSearch domain will be created. Paste the Endpoint (e.g. https://search-client-name-analytics-es-xxxxx.eu-west-1.es.amazonaws.com) into two places:


Click the Launch Instance button on the EC2 Dashboard, and follow the steps to configure the instance. If you are creating separate instances for Insights, Analytics API, and/or Jenkins, then create an EC2 for each service.

Most other configuration steps you can leave at their default values, unless specified below:

  1. Community AMI - use Ubuntu Cloud Images Locator to find a recent Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) build. Search for version 16.04 amd64 ebs-ssd or hvm-ssd instance in your preferred AWS region, for example us-east-1. Copy the AMI ID of the image you selected (it will look something like ami-d8132bb0).
  2. Choose Instance Type - General Purpose t2.medium.
  3. Configure Instance
    1. Ensure the Network setting is set to the default VPC, not EC2-Classic.
    2. Assign edxanalytics IAM role. Important: roles can't be added after instance is launched, so forgetting to set this setting will require instance re-launch. If you missed this step and don't want to re-run your provisioning steps, you can create an image (AMI) from the incorrect instance, and launch a new EC2 using from that image, and correct the IAM role issue.
  4. Add Storage - 50GB
  5. Tag Instance - Name tag with analytics-N value.
  6. Security Group - add instance to default and analytics security groups. If analytics is not created yet - create it with the following rules:
    • SSH, port 22, source director security group
    • HTTP, port 80, source Anywhere (used to access the Insights over http)
    • HTTPS, port 443, source Anywhere (used to access the Insights over https)
  7. SSH key pair - use analytics key pair (create if needed).

Note that Insights runs on 18110 port by default, and we're not opening it, so it should be configured to listen on default HTTP and/or HTTPS ports with INSIGHTS_NGINX_PORT variables INSIGHTS_NGINX_SSL_PORT in vars-analytics.yml.

After the instance is fully initialized, SSH into it using the key file you used when creating this instance:

ssh -i path/to/keyfile.pem ubuntu@ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com

Install all available updates with:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade

Director EC2

The director instance should be running a similar version of Ubuntu as the analytics services you're provisioning. It can be a t2.micro, with 8GB disk space, and should be a member of: the default Security Group shared by your other AWS resources, and a director security group with one rule defined: SSH, port 22, source Anywhere

See Director Setup for details on how to set up the ansible deployment "director" instance.


If you're upgrading an existing analytics deployment, we strongly recommend you create a new RDS instance, and re-run the following steps. Schema changes aren't well handled in analytics-land yet, and so it's best to let the analytics tasks and API deployment process create their tables and fields.

  • Launch a new analytics RDS instance (see RDS).
  • Ensure that both the new analytics RDS, and the existing edxapp RDS, are members of the EMR RDS security group created above.

See Modify Security Groups for instructions on how to add a security group to an existing RDS instance.

  • Test the RDS instance from the Insights/Analytics API instance to ensure it can connect to the new RDS instance.

Create analytics databases and user

Create dashboard, analytics-api, and reports databases, and analytics user with password:

From the director instance, run the following command with the root RDS user to launch the mysql shell:

mysql -h analytics-rds-name.other-stuff.rds.amazonaws.com -u root -p
# Enter root user password

Run this SQL in the mysql shell:

CREATE DATABASE `dashboard` default character set utf8;
CREATE DATABASE `analytics-api` default character set utf8;
CREATE DATABASE `reports` default character set utf8;
CREATE USER 'analytics'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<analytics_password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `reports`.* TO 'analytics'@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `dashboard`.* TO 'analytics'@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `analytics-api`.* TO 'analytics'@'%';

Store the database credentials in vars-analytics.yml:

  • ANALYTICS_MYSQL_HOST: 'analytics-rds-name.other-stuff.rds.amazonaws.com'
  • ANALYTICS_MYSQL_USER: 'analytics'
  • ANALYTICS_MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'analytics_password'

and in edxanalytics_creds.

Create migration user

Ansible tasks use common credentials for DB migration, which, by default are set to match edxapp credentials. The easiest way to do this is to create a user in the analytics database with the same credentials as the edxapp mysql user. Use this commands to create the user in analytics db (replace edxapp and <edxapp_password> with your actual DB user credentials):

CREATE USER 'edxapp'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<edxapp_password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `reports`.* TO 'edxapp'@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `dashboard`.* TO 'edxapp'@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `analytics-api`.* TO 'edxapp'@'%';

Create edxapp read-only user

Some analytics tasks import data from edxapp-series DBs (edxapp, ecommerce, etc.). Create a dedicated user with readonly permissions on the edxapp DB server:

mysql -h edxapp-rds-name.other-stuff.rds.amazonaws.com -u edxapp -p
# Enter root user password
CREATE USER 'edxapp_ro'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<edxapp_ro_password>';
GRANT SELECT on *.* to 'edxapp_ro'@'%';

Store these credentials in edxapp_creds.

Elastic IP

Create new Elastic IP and associate it with Insights EC2 instance (see Elastic IP).


Create the required S3 buckets:

  • client-name-tracking-logs: for storing tracking logs emitted by LMS and sharing them with analytics pipeline. (May already be created, see prerequisites above.)
  • client-name-analytics-emr - for initial EMR cluster provisioning and logs. Some setups may use a separate bucket for EMR logs, e.g. client-name-analytics-emr-logs. See Configuration S3 bucket for the list of files that need to be uploaded to this bucket.
  • client-name-edxanalytics - for analytics pipeline configuration (access credentials, GeoIP data, etc.) and data (hadoop, hive). Some setups may use a separate bucket for Hive/hadoop, e.g. client-name-edxanalytics-hadoop. See Pipeline S3 bucket for the list of files that need to be uploaded to this bucket.
  • client-name-analytics-api-reports - used to share reports generated by the analytics pipeline with the analytics API. Only required for some analytics pipeline tasks (e.g. ProblemResponseReportWorkflow).

Insights/Analytics API Setup

See Insights Setup.

Jenkins Setup

See Jenkins Setup.